Monday, December 04, 2006

Treatment #5 Today

Treatment #5 is at 10:30 today. It will be the last treatment of AC. There will then be 4 treatments of another drug, Taxotere, which is the first drug Patty received. It is also the drug that she had the major reaction with so she'll be nervous about that. After that comes 52 weekly treatments of Herceptin if all goes well. This is indeed a journey. Patty is still having some blurry vision in her left eye. The doc wants to do an MRI to assure it hasn't spread to her brain. Please pray that this is not the case. He said it is unlikely but it was unlikely she would develop breast cancer at 36 as well. Especially when she did many things to attempt to prevent it; yearly mammograms, breast feeding, having children before 30, not smoking.

Patty hosted the church Christmas Tea this past Saturday and it was a resounding success. As I mentioned before her, Katie and two other ladies were performing sign language to the song by Nicole Nordeman, "I AM". What I didn't mention was that Patty did it sans wig, bald. In front of 220 people no less. They received a standing ovation and there was not a dry eye in the building, even the men serving. It was videoed and I'm going to attempt to post it here sometime. Ang, if you're reading you'll have to email me a "how-to" on video posting since you do it so well. We stayed until 11 Friday night setting up and all the tables, 26 of them, and decorating. The decor theme was a "Winter Wonderland" and it indeed looked as such. Gina Rudd and Jamie Bates had got snow used at the "Fantasy of Trees" event and transformed the conference center into a snowy landscape. Gina and Eva catered the event and I heard the potato soup was to die for. The only incident was when Carol Stout performed her version of the Talking Head's 80's smash "Burning Down the House!" when she accidentally set her table on fire when some tissue paper fell over a candle and ignited it and the surrounding snow. The amateur firefighters at her table quickly doused the burgeoning flame with their drinks. No harm done.

Pray for Patty today as she receives her treatment and also that the trouble with her eye is nothing. Also pray for our walk, attitude, mental state, and spirits as we walk through this valley.

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