Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year Not Starting Out Well

Patty has been pretty sick today. She made it from the bed to the couch but that is about it. She started feeling nauseous when she got up and got sick later when she tried to take some medicine. The rest of the time she has been sleeping when I can keep the boys from bothering her. I was hoping that she would continue to do better today but it just wasn't to be.

Back to work tomorrow. Hopefully she will be better tomorrow as the girls don't go back to school until Wednesday. Katie has an eye appointment for her strabismus early so I'll probably take her for that. Managing all four is a task for a healthy person let alone someone not feeling well.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scott and Patty, please know you can call me anytime to babysit, I know I work during the day but any afternoon you need someone please call. I hope Patty feels better soon and we are all praying. She is strong and will over-come this. Please call if you need anything, if not babysitting, I can atleast bring dinner sometime. So call me (-:
Love ya,
Cindi and the kids