Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Patty had a real bad headache last night. The reason I know it was bad was she actually asked for some pain medicine. If you know Patty that's a rare thing. She very much dislikes taking any kind of medicine. Hopefully she'll turn the corner here soon.

Today is Patty's birthday so "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" birthday girl!

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Anonymous said...


I hope you have a wonderful Birthday! You are a beautiful person inside and out. Happy Birthday!!! Love Holly

Anonymous said...


I know I have not commented in a while, but I do check the website daily. I hope you have had a wonderful day. I tried calling tonight but you were still out on the town with Scott. Matthew & I are praying daily for your healing. I love you!

Robbie Hurst

Anonymous said...

Hello sweet friend!!! Happy happy birthday!!! I pray you are over your headache and that the cold is gone. I am so proud of you and how you are handling all that is going on in your life. You are a very strong woman! God's light shines through you constantly. Know that I am praying for you and your family constantly.

love you jackie

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE YOU !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Patty !!!!
We love you so much !!!!

Cindi and the kids.

Anonymous said...

Test response.