Monday, March 05, 2007

Weekend Update

Patty did ok on Saturday. She was really sleepy due to the pain meds but we actually got out that evening. Today was a different story. She was pretty much wiped out all day. Her red blood cell count was borderline low on Thursday and probably lower after she got the chemo. When that is low it causes you to feel as if you have no energy. That along with the pain meds to combat the Neulasta shot combined for a recipe of grogginess and sleep.

I took the kids on to church so she could get some "quiet" rest. It was a great service. We had 10 people baptized. I have never seen that many at one service. Our worship pastor, Mark preached the sermon. I really enjoy his sermons. He never skirts around the truth. The reason he was preaching was our pastor, Scott, was a feeling a little under the weather because he had donated his bone marrow earlier in the week. He was a match for a leukemia patient on a bone marrow registry he signed up for many years ago. Shane, our children's minister led worship. It was awesome as well. He is definitely talented.

Hopefully, Patty will be on the upswing tomorrow.

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