Yesterday in my quiet time I just wanted to read a Psalm. Not any one in particular, but the number 91 just jumped into my head. After reading it I realized it wasn't just a coincidence. It was the Holy Spirit guiding me to be in the Lord's shadow. Read for yourself.
Psalm 91
(Contemporary English Version)
1 Live under the protection of God Most High and stay in the shadow of God All-Powerful.
2 Then you will say to the LORD, "You are my fortress, my place of safety, you are my God, and I trust you."
3 The Lord will keep you safe from secret traps and deadly diseases.
4 He will spread his wings over you and keep you secure. His faithfulness is like a shield or a city wall. [a]
5 You won't need to worry about dangers at night or arrows during the day.
6 And you won't fear diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disaster at noon.
7 You will not be harmed, though thousands fall all around you.
8 And with your own eyes you will see the punishment of the wicked.
9 The LORD Most High is your fortress. Run to him for safety,
10 and no terrible disasters will strike you or your home.
11 God will command his angels to protect you wherever you go.
12 They will carry you in their arms, and you won't hurt your feet on the stones.
13 You will overpower the strongest lions and the most deadly snakes.
14 The Lord says, "If you love me and truly know who I am, I will rescue you and keep you safe.
15 When you are in trouble, call out to me. I will answer and be there to protect and honor you.
16 You will live a long life and see my saving power."
Isn't that calming prose?
The part about the lions was very interesting to me. I don't recall if I've discussed this before but I had a very vivid dream soon after Patty's diagnosis that relates to this. I've not discussed it much because I'm very cautious about proclaiming that the Lord spoke to me in some form or fashion. If anyone is interested I can relate it in another post.
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