Monday, December 17, 2007

Still Recovering

What a two week period. If there is a list of troubled emotions I think I've felt them all over the last two weeks. Enough about me.

Patty is continuing to receive treatments for her arm three times a week. There has been some improvement which is a good sign. She keeps wanting to take the wraps off, she tends to be a non-compliant patient sometimes, but I reiterate to her that if she wants it to get better she has to keep it on.

She has two Herceptin treatments left. After these all of her treatments for the cancer are complete. Almost a year and a half. Combine this with my dad and its been an extremely tough period. We feel like we've worn everybody out with all the child care we've had to have for all of Patty's appointments. Unfortunately, this continues with the appointments for her arm. It may seem trivial but this is one of the things that grieves us is to have to continually ask for help. What makes it worse is we have four to care for! I digress.

I'm contemplating posting my journal entries from Haiti here if anyone is interested. Let me know.

Please continue to pray for Patty's arm, her mental health, and our family as a whole.


Anonymous said...

Hey Scott-

I would be MORE than happy to help with the kids. I can come to the house...whatever you all need! I'm willing!!
On the Haiti entries....please share!!

jill keck

Anonymous said...

We love you guys and would love to hear about Haiti and of course I will abaysit anytime, but as a blessing, no paying me (or my kids (-: Call us anytime.

Cindi and the kids

Anonymous said...

Scott, I would love to see your journal entries. the kids from haiti are really tugging at my heart...benjy & i are praying about the entire situation, whether its going, just giving, or even possibly adopting. please share when you get the chance. also if there is anything at all we can do to help you guys out, please dont hesitate to call. benjamin and landry are always game for a few extra playmates (-; love you guys....

Anonymous said...

I am more than happy to help with the kids too. Just let me know what I can do.

I would love to hear your about your Haiti experience.

Allyson Coleman

Anonymous said...

Do not EVER hesitate to call me to take the girls home from school.The cutest thing is seeing Kendall and Madeline walk out of school holding hands!! I love the ride home listening to the girls chatter. Joe and I will do anything we can for you both!! We love you and are praying for you daily....
The Tripps