Saturday, March 08, 2008

Latest Update

I apologize again for the lack of updates. I guess its a sign we're reaching a mild form on normalcy if that is possible with 4 kids.

Patty's elbow is still bothering her. She'll probably have another bone scan in the next month or two to see if there is anything going on there. She had a B-12 shot on Thursday which has kept her blood counts high since her chemo finished. She has a MUGA scan scheduled for next week to check to see if all the chemo has had any lasting effect on her heart. She also has an ultrasound of her thyroid scheduled next week as well to make sure her thyroid is functioning as it should. Monday will be 19 months since this whole ordeal started. Seems like a lifetime. Please pray that her tests will be negative and that her elbow pain will improve.