Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Thyroid Appointment on Friday

Did anybody watch the Crazy Sexy Cancer documentary? Kris, the subject of the story, is a little rough around the edges but it was amazing to me to see someone facing such a life changing illness with hope, enthusiasm, and a overwhelming zest for life. I loved her thought process when searching for a doctor to treat her diagnosis. If you didn't see it basically she was interviewing them for her new company, "Saving my A#% Technologies" I didn't care for her choice of words but it was funny to say the least. How she could find humor in such disheartening task is inspiring. If you get a chance to watch it I highly recommend it.

Patty's return visit to the thyroid doctor is Friday at 8. They will do an ultrasound to check the nodule for any changes in size. Hopefully, it has shrunk. If not, then they will have to biopsy it. Please pray that it will have shrunk so that Patty won't have to get stuck one more time. I have faith that it will go well. I also believe in intercessory prayer as well so please pray for her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watched it, it was really amazing.Although, the grass drink was pretty gross, but hey it worked. I am praying about the results of the test, God is so good and all will be fine.

Cindi and the kids