Monday, August 28, 2006

Back to Work for Now

Patty was still sleeping when I left this morning. I could tell she was uncomfortable in the position she was resting. Hopefully, the drains can come out sometime this week and she can begin to sleep better. She had a better day yesterday and begin to seem a little like her old self a few times. She was much more conversational than the last several days. I'm sure though there will be many up and down days.

Laverne came over early to spend the day with her and help with the kids so I could go to work. I wonder what we would do without our friends and church family. Work won't really be an outlet for me since I work in the Cancer field. I wonder how that will be over the next year. It could be great as I gain a perspective I previously never had that can be used to help others. Still, its hard to realize and swallow that our lives are changed forever. Forever. F-O-R-E-V-E-R. It still hasn't sunk in all the way. Sometimes, I catch myself still wondering if this is just a bad dream. One day you think you're normal. The next day your not. I have read often that bad times will eventually come and when they do be thankful for them because this is when God teaches us the most. Knowing that, it still is a challenge to see and practice it when you're in the valley. We're trying.


Anonymous said...

Patty and Scott,
It is so great to hear Patty is doing as well as can be expected. You and your family will continue to be in my prayers throughout your journey.

Tammy (Turpin) Stooksbury

Anonymous said...

Patty, Patty, Patty, what a great
time we had last night. You were just in a wonderful mood and seemed to have so much fun playing Yatchzee. It was just like before the bad news came. I love you more than you will ever know and appreciate your family so much. Hand in hand we are going to win this great battle you are facing.
As always I will sign my signature quote. I'll love you for forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I am living,
My daughter (friend) you will be.

Anonymous said...

I want you and Scott to know that you all are in my prayers daily. There isn't a morning or evening that goes by that I don't pray for you and your family. Scott is more than a boss, he is a friend and through him, I probably have met one of the strongest women I will ever know. Patty you are truly a wonderful and godly women, you have touched so many peoples lives including my own. What a testimony you have been and will continue to be as you fight this battle. Remember that your friends are here for you whenever you need us.

Anna Marie