Friday, August 25, 2006

Waiting on the Path Report

We hope to hear the from the path report today from Patty's surgery. We're praying that there weren't any more additional positive lymph nodes although there may be. How many lymph nodes will determine if Patty will have to have radiation therapy treatments.

Grant and Brett are going to come home today and that will be hard with Patty not moving around well and trying to keep them from jumping on her. We're afraid they may accidently pull out her drains. Pray that they are well behaved! The girls come home tomorrow night so pray as well for them that they are not too upset with Mommy being sick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Patty & Scott

Just wanted to let you guys know how much you are in our thoughts and prayers. I would love to watch the kids, take the girls to school when it starts or just whatever is needed. Please don't hesitate to call. You both have been so great to get to know and have shown Jake and I how sweet and loving your family is.
Love, Jake & Holly